Thursday, September 3, 2020

Supreme Court case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Preeminent Court case - Essay Example The appointed authorities vote on the decision was 7 to 2 with greater part deciding to have fetus removal authorized putting together it with respect to one side to protection, which is spelt under the proviso of fair treatment in the fourteenth amendment. In the composed decision by Justice Harry Blackmun, he legitimized the authorization of fetus removal in light of the way that illegalization encroached upon women’s right to security and the decision in this way, overruled all other state antiabortion resolutions. As per Alcorn, the decision gave for this situation allowed the state to mediate during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy when there is a pressing need to ensure the pregnant lady as well as even the unborn youngster (28-31). Be that as it may, note that the trimester thought was struck out departing the fundamental reality about the decision as that a pregnant lady reserved the option to prematurely end until ‘viability.’ Murti expressed that notwithstanding the various cases being recorded to rescind this judgment, a decision made 1992 on account of Planned Parenthood versus Casey reaffirmed the privilege to fetus removal that had been allowed under the Roe versus Wade case, however it allowed further limitations (33-36). ... The expert life bunch alludes to the individuals who are against the decision while the master decision alludes to the individuals who bolster the decision refering to the way that a lady has the option to choose whether she would need to keep the pregnancy or not (45-56). Without including matters of the law or legitimate standards into the conversation, Murti expressed that the best resistance to the decision made by in the Roe versus Wade case has been based around strict and moral belief systems or perspectives (88-89). The master life advocates have consistently expressed that the decision given in the Roe versus Wade body of evidence conflicts with strict lessons in all the beliefs where fetus removal has been transparently denounced and delegated a wrongdoing against the Lord. Regarding strict lessons, Alcorn expressed that the Bible has straightforwardly disproved the demonstration of premature birth since the Lord alluded to kids as a gift and in this manner, it would confli ct with the Lord’s wishes if a pregnant lady ends a pregnancy along these lines neglecting to give the unborn youngster the privilege to life (67-73). For instance, Amos part 1 section 13 states, â€Å"the help of the Lord is basic, for He has territory over human life and its source. Guardians help out God in delivering life. Since this entire procedure is under God’s territory and along these lines, it is wicked to hinder it.† This versus was composed concerning the brutal demonstrations that were occurring in Gilead where aggressors were tearing open eager moms, hence murdering their unborn youngsters. This section by Amos unmistakably demonstrates that pregnancy is under the domain of God and accordingly, it is a wrongdoing before the Lord. Moreover, Biblical lessons over and again in a few versus denounce the slaughtering of the blameless while different versus allude to the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lessons Concerning Staffing Decisions and Bringing About School Change Essay

Gary Hopkins, in his article, identified a portion of the exercises learned by principals on settling on staff choices and achieving school change. These exercises originated from the principals that have taken in them from botches made direct. They would like to offer guidance to new school managers or even those present ones in dynamic in regards to staff individuals, employing new ones, and making changes with school custom or approach. Hopkins (2004), in one of his headings, said that â€Å"hiring choices are the most importatnt choices. One chief admitted that he had recruited an educators who ought to have been on an IEP (Individualized Education Program) herself. The chief admitted that he had quite recently tuned in to verbal proposals just and didn't make any further personal investigation on the instructor before employing her. The exercise: don’t do a â€Å"reference check without asking explicit, point by point inquiries on the presentation and character foundation of a potential candidate† (Hopkins 2004). Another exercise with regards to the staff is including them to the dynamic. Cooperation and interest is imperative,† (Hopkins 2004) as indicated by one of the principals in Hopkins’ article. Tuning in to staff individuals will guarantee their help in any choices made more often than not, regardless of whether they concur with it or not. â€Å"People will frequently acknowledge a choice or result in opposition to what they needed oiginally in the event that they accept their perspective was tuned in to deferentially and taken into consideration,† (Hopkins 2004) that’s as per another head in Hopk ins’ article. Another head adviced that perceiving of instructors, or trying to say ‘thanks’ for any kindness will take care of ten times. At long last, she held that â€Å"what we do is about individuals, not approach. It is not necessarily the case that we don’t follow strategy, however we have a great deal of adaptability when choosing what is best for kids† (Hopkins 2004). Nonetheless, the most troublesome circumstance that the chief may confront is when proposing or choosing to change something inside the school, regardless of whether it is for the wellbeing of the understudies. One chief shared that â€Å"the greatest test I have found is adjusting the need to both respect a school’s past and move it into the future†¦ I continually battle with how to gently tell individuals that occasionally ‘the way we’ve consistently done it’ is simply not acceptable enough† (Hopkins 2004). Achieving change is actually a troublesome errand in any field, not simply with training. In any event, when one has just caused the progression to tune in to the members’ sentiments, individuals the vast majority of the occasions fear change and will contradict it thoroughly. Finding the correct mix of discretion and criticizing, proficient turn of events and strengthening, top-down conveyance and assignment are only a bunch of the issues principals must consider as they lead their schools toward change,† as indicated by Hopkins (2004). Really is disturbing that a few people are hesitant at progress. One chief expressed that â€Å"the greatest goof I made right off the bat in my vocation as a chief was accepting that everybody on the staff felt a similar way I did about increasing expectations, improving scholastics, and transforming schools in general† (Hopkins 2004). He determined around one of the schools this chief drove: â€Å"even however our grades were close to the base in our school area, most staff individuals were content. Our drop-out rates, discipline details, and participation were at the base as well. As one educator put it to me: Well, someone must be at the bottom† (Hopkins 2004). Hopkins’ article is an eye-opener for the real factors of school organization. Different principals most likely should take in something from this, yet understudies and their folks, and other concerned instructors and school staff may likewise discover something to learn and act as needs be to improve training gauges.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Discover the Definition of a State, Sovereign State, Country, and Nation

Find the Definition of a State, Sovereign State, Country, and Nation While the terms nation, state, sovereign state, country, and country state are regularly utilized reciprocally, there is a distinction. Basically: A state is a domain with its own foundations and populations.A sovereign state is a state with its own establishments and populaces which has a lasting populace, region, and government. It should likewise have the privilege and ability to settle on arrangements and different concurrences with other states.A country isâ a huge gathering of individuals that possess a particular domain and are associated by history, culture or another commonality.A country state is a social gathering (a country) that is additionally a state (and may, moreover, be a sovereign state). The word nation can be utilized to mean a similar thing as state, sovereign state, or countries incorporate Wine Country (the grape-developing region of northern California) and Coal Country (the coal-mining locale of Pennslyvania). Characteristics of a Sovereign State State, country, and nation are on the whole terms to depict gatherings of individuals who live in a similar place and share a lot for all intents and purpose. Be that as it may, while states and sovereign states are political substances, countries and nations could possibly be. A sovereign state (now and then called an autonomous state) has the accompanying characteristics: Space or domain which has globally perceived boundariesPeople who live there on a continuous basis.Regulations administering remote and household tradeThe capacity to give lawful delicate that is perceived across boundariesAn universally recognizedâ government which offers open types of assistance and police power and has the privilege to make settlements, take up arms, and take different activities in the interest of its peopleSovereignty, implying that no other state ought to have control over the countrys region. There are numerous geographic elements that have a few however not the entirety of the characteristics that make up a There are by and by 195 sovereign states on the planet (197 by certain tallies); 193 are individuals from the United Nations (the United Nations bars Palestine and the Holy See). Two different substances, Taiwan and Kosovo, are perceived by a few however not all individuals from the United Nations. Elements That Are Not Sovereign States There are numerous elements that have topographical and social noteworthiness and a considerable lot of the characteristics of a sovereign state however which are not, truth be told, autonomous sovereign states. These incorporate regions, non-sovereign states, and countries. Non-Sovereign States Domains of sovereign states are not sovereign states in their own right. There are numerous substances that have most characteristics of sovereign states however are authoritatively viewed as sovereign. Many have their own narratives, and some even have their own dialects. Models include: Hong KongBermudaGreenlandPuerto RicoNorthern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and England, which are all non-sovereign pieces of the United Kingdom The word state is additionally used to allude to geographic segments of sovereign states which have their own administrations however which are dependent upon the bigger central government. The 50 United States are non-sovereign states. Countries Countries are socially homogeneous gatherings of individuals which share a typical language, foundation, religion, as well as recorded understanding. A few countries are sovereign states, however many are not; a portion of those countries that hold an area yet are not sovereign states include: The Indian Nations of the United StatesBosniaCatalonia (in northern Spain)QuebecCorsicaSicilyTibet Notwithstanding countries that are non-sovereign states, it very well may be contended that there are countries that oversee no domain at all. For model, the Sindhi, Yoruba, Rohingya, and Igbo individuals share accounts, societies, and language yet have no region. There are a few States which have two countries, for example, Canada and Belgium. Country States At the point when a country of individuals has their very own sovereign condition, it is known as a country state. Populaces living in country states share a history, language, ethnicity, and culture (however, obviously, most country states presently incorporate populaces of migrants who don't share the neighborhood culture). Spots like Iceland and Japan are fantastic instances of country expresses: by far most of individuals conceived in those country states share a similar parentage and culture.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Styles of leadership would only be applicable based on factors such as the culture - Free Essay Example

Executive Summary There are various motivational theories and styles of leadership which are being practiced by organizations worldwide. Certain motivational theories and styles of leadership would only be applicable based on factors such as the culture within which the organization operates. Sri Lanka being a country where power culture has been dominant has to follow less flexible, more extreme motivational theories and styles of leadership such as McGregors XY Theory and Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership style respectively. It has been identified that there are various advantages and disadvantages of pursuing certain leadership styles. However, it is clear that independent of the style of leadership used, if the leader is an effective leader, this would be a great strength for an organization. Standard Chartered Bank having reported seven successive years of record income and continuous expansion of market share, despite the existing global economic condition, has been recognized as one of the worlds leading banks. The success is entirely a result of the effort of employee groups and leaders of the bank who have been exposed to a unique culture which has been brought up at the bank. Table of Contents Table of Figures Introduction An organization can be defined as a group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal or objective. To achieve these common goals and objectives an organization would require leadership as well as motivation. There are various styles of leadership and motivational theories which are practiced by organizations in order to achieve the desired result. Above all, effective leadership could be identified as one of the best motivational factors. An extensive analysis regarding Standard Chartered Bank has been done with the purpose of analyzing functions of groups, teams and leadership within organizations. Standard Chartered PLC is a British financial services company headquartered in London, England with operations in more than seventy countries. It operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) and employs 80,000 people. Despite its British base, it has few customers in the United Kingdom and around 90% o f its profits come from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Motivational Theories and Leadership Motivation could be defined as a psychological process where internal and external factors influence a person to be continuously interested in pursuing and achieving goals. It could be said that motivation influences a persons behaviour at work and ultimately how he performs during the job. There are various motivational theories followed by organizations to motivate their employees and some of these theories are discussed below. Motivational Theories Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregor has developed two models which are known as Theory X and Theory Y. These two theories were formulated through examination of theories on individual behaviour at work. Douglas McGregors Theory X states that an average human being dislikes work, prefers to be directed, avoids responsibility, has little or no ambition, works for money and mainly security. Theory X has given rise to two management approaches, which are the soft and hard approach. Under the soft management approach, managers seek harmony with the employees under the impression that employees would cooperate with them when necessary. Where, under the hard management approach an employee has to be coerced, controlled, directed and threatened till the expected result it achieved. However, it should be noted that none of the extremes are suitable as employees require more than monetary rewards, they require fulfilling their higher order needs. It is understood the main reason for organizations to u se this approach is to ensure that employees behave in the expected manner. Theory Y, unlike Theory X looks at an average human being from a more optimistic angle. Theory Y states that an average human being likes work, directs himself, accepts and seeks responsibility. Theory Y would be more valid and is used by organizations as this would result in higher levels of motivation for employees through matching organizational goals with personal goals. Further, this would lead to employee empowerment as creativity and opportunity to exercise initiative is allowed. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory speaks of five groups of basic needs which usually motivate behaviour in many cultures. These basic needs are Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem Needs and Self Actualization. Figure (Maslows Hierarchy of Needs) In Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory, once a need has been satisfied, the desire to satisfy a higher need rises. Hence, a person would be motivated to perform better. Organizations would use this theory to decide on what type of motivation needs to be given to its employees. Organizations use this theory by identifying, Behaviour of an individual at a given moment depends on his strongest need Physiological needs have the highest strength and a majority of employees would work to satisfy this level only An unsatisfied need acts as a motivation factor Once a need is satisfied the desire to achieve a higher order need rises A satisfied need would no longer act as a motivation factor ERG Theory ERG Theory resembles Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory. ERG Theory has three groups of needs. Where the first group would be Existence Needs (i.e. physical and material wants), second group would be Relatedness Needs (i.e. desire for interpersonal relationships) and third group would be Growth Needs (i.e. desire to be creative and productive). However, unlike Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory, the ERG Theory states, if frustrated in trying to satisfy Growth Needs, Relatedness Needs will re-emerge (frustration regression process). Organizations would use ERG theory to help them identify their employees dynamic needs and help the organizations to understand why employees have such dynamic needs (i.e. once satisfaction progression occurs the needs change and once frustration regression occurs needs change once again). Herzberg Two Factor Theory or Motivation Hygiene Theory Herzberg after carrying out many surveys concluded that to understand employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction work had to be divided into two categories. Motivation Factors: Factors which are strong contributors to job satisfaction. Hygiene Factors: Factors which are not strong contributors to job satisfaction but which must be present to meet an employees expectations and prevent job dissatisfaction. Hygiene Factors: Job security Relations with others Physical working conditions Company policies Pay Quality of supervision Motivation Factors: Achievement Responsibility Recognition Opportunities for personal growth Promotion opportunities Organizations use Herzbergs Two Factor Theory firstly to identify if their employees hygiene factors are met through which an assessment could be made regarding whether the employee is satisfied with the job or not. If not, the organization can identify which factors need to be adjusted so that this may alleviate job dissatisfaction. However, to motivate someone to perform better or to increase satisfaction motivation factors must be addressed by the organization. Using this theory, an organization would be able to identify which form of motivation would be necessary to motivate an employee as motivation factors relate to the nature of the work itself and the way the employee performs it. It should be further noted that this theory has a twofold approach of eliminating dissatisfiers and enhancing satisfiers. Victor Vrooms Expectancy Theory According to Victor Vrooms Expectancy Theory employees will work hard to achieve rewards that they values and that they consider obtainable. Further, Victor Vroom states that an employee will be motivated to exert a high level of effort to obtain reward under three conditions. The employee believes that his or her efforts will result in acceptable performance. The employee believes that acceptable performance will lead to the desired outcome or reward. The employee values the reward. (Karen Collins, 2007 cited in Flatworld Knowledge, n.d) Figure (Expectancy Theory Model) (Karen Collins, 2007 cited in Flatworld Knowledge, n.d) Organizations would use this theory as it would help the organization to understand and interpret, How employees decide to work The effect of planned rewards programs The effect of such planned rewards on the productivity of employees Sri Lanka is a country within which power culture is dominantly seen not only within society but also within organizations. As a result of this culture which has not changed much throughout the years, work force of an organization would naturally await orders from the top and are not interested to take initiative in most situations even when given the chance. Hence, when considering motivational theories which are now widely practiced through the world where a technique of motivating employees in a natural manner is used, it could be understood that such motivational theories if applied within organizations of the country may not result in the expected outcome. Based on this information it is possible to arrive at the conclusion that the m ost suitable motivational theory to be used by organizations operating within Sri Lanka is McGregors XY Theory where Theory X assumptions have to be used. Leadership Leadership Styles Leadership could be defined as a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people. There are various factors which should be considered when selecting a style of leadership. For example, nature of task (i.e. Urgency, Complexity), type of people being led (i.e. Maturity, Technical Experience, Competence), etc. There are mainly three types of leadership. The Authoritarian or Autocratic Style: A leader exercising this style would make decisions alone without advice from their followers and would state what has to be done and how. Such a style would be suitable in an occasion when all the required information to solve a problem is available, there is a lack of time and the employees are well motivated. The Participative or Democratic Style: A leader exercising this style would involve employees in the decision making process. The leadership functions are shared with members of the group resulting in greater interactions within the group . The group members have a greater say in decision making, determination of policy, implementation of systems and procedures. (Laurie J. Mullins 2007, p. 371) However, it should be noted that the leader maintains the final decision making authority. A Laissez Faire (Genuine) Style or Delegative Style: A leader exercising this style would allow the employees to make decisions after observing how employees work on their own. This is done when employees are able to analyze a situation and decide what has to be done and how. However, the leader would still be responsible for the decisions made. Beyond these leadership styles, it should be understood that leadership behaviour could either be directive or supportive. Advantages and Disadvantages of Leadership Styles Leadership Style Advantages Disadvantages The Authoritarian or Autocratic Style More group productivity while leader watches Decision making process is quicker as the leader makes the decision individually The organization may respond to danger quickly The level of dependence on the leader increases The level of hostility among employees may increase Work force may dislike being ordered around resulting in employee de-motivation The Participative or Democratic Style A positive work environment could develop Motivates creative thinking Reduces employee turnover as a result of less friction between the work force and the leaders Slower decision making Arguments may arise A Laissez Faire (Genuine) Style or Delegative Style Results in employee empowerment Promotes independent thinking Motivates creativity Employees can misuse the freedom given to them and perform poorly Figure (Advantages and Disadvantages of Leadership Styles) Leadership and Motivation Distinguished An authoritarian or autocratic leadership style is followed when employees are dependant and resist change. The efficiency of such employees would be low. Through high levels of supervision, command and control which is exercised by such leaders would motivate employees mainly in three forms. They are, Peer Motivated: As employees would like to be like others Authority Motivated: As employees would follow policies Threat and Fear Motivated: As employees would react to force When a participative or a democratic leadership style is followed there would be greater interaction within the group and hence the personality and efficiency of employees depends on the leaders skills and the work environment which he has created. When following such a leadership style, employees would be motivated in three forms. They are, Goal Motivated: As employees may recognize some opportunity Reward Motivated: As employees would recognize some opportunity for some material reward Rec ognition Motivated: As employees would recognize an opportunity for change in social status A Laissez Faire or delegative style is followed when employees take up leadership, thrive on change or opportunity, are independent and are achievers. Such employees would be very efficient compared to employees under other leadership styles. Leaders following this style would have limited supervision and would delegate decision making responsibility to employees. When following such a leadership style, employees would be motivated in two forms. They are, Self Motivated and Team Motivated: As employees are allowed to practice creativity When the above three types of leadership and motivation associated with them are analyzed, naturally a participative or a democratic leadership style is best to follow because in a team-motivated environment, dependant employees will be inspired and will strive to be acceptable with independent thinking co-workers. However, as it was mentioned bef ore, due to the culture element of the country work force of an organization would naturally await orders from the top and are not interested to take initiative. Therefore, a leadership style where high levels of supervision, command and control is practiced would be more applicable for such an environment meaning, the most suitable leadership style to motivate employees within organizations would be the authoritarian or autocratic leadership style. Effective Leaders; A paramount to an Organization It could be said that effective leaders are the key for success of any organization. There are many characteristics an effective leader should have. Based on the information given below it is possible to understand that an effective leader is strength to an organization in many aspects. Given below are five factors which make an effective leader a paramount to an organization, An effective leader would be able to influence and inspire people to accomplish a goal, or an objective of an organization. It should be understood that leadership is not about power and has no relationship with driving employees to accomplish their tasks and duties out of fear. It should further be understood that an effective leader would help to encourage or motivate other employees to take up leadership, forming a successful and a powerful workforce. An effective leader would be a visionary person meaning awareness of organizational goals, objectives and vision. Only if employees see that their lead er is aware of the direction which he must head they will follow him. This could be an advantage to an organization as such a person would be able to lead the employees of the organization in such a manner that they would achieve organizational goals and objectives. An effective leader would be a trustworthy person. It should be understood that trust if a leader is trustworthy his employees would have confidence in him even at tough times. Hence, it should be understood that if an organization has such a leader who has good relationships, is trustworthy and follows ethical standards that this would be a massive strength for the organization as this could be considered the base for an effective organization. Further, this would help the organization to develop a good impression through the community in which it operates. An effective leader would be able to communicate the organizational goals, objective, vision, knowledge and technical expertise to the organizations employees. This would help the employees of the organization to become effective too as they would gain the required knowledge, skills and an idea about organizational goals, objectives and vision. An effective leader would be able to make successful decisions based on intuition. This could lead an organization to success as at times there may be a need to make decisions quickly which maybe of very high importance and value when time for gathering information may be very limited. Groups, Teams and Leadership It is no secret that behind the success of Standard Chartered Bank, the staff of the bank has played a very important role. Effective leadership and well motivated staff has been the key for this excellent performance. To support and improve leadership development within the bank, Standard Chartered Bank now has seven core leadership development programs along with feedback programs such as the 360 feedback tool. Standard Chartered Bank gives special consideration not only for leadership but also for aspects such as employee relations, team building, culture and values, etc. Nature of Groups and Team Roles Nature of Groups A group could be defined as a collection of people who interact with each other over time in order to reach goals. These groups can either be formal or informal, where both types of these groups are seen at Standard Chartered Bank. One note worthy feature of these groups at Standard Chartered Bank is that the groups consist of individuals who come from various backgrounds, cultures and have different skills. However, Standard Chartered Bank has made sure that no conflict among bank staff occurs but instead understanding and development in multiple fields occurs; great example for this will be the employee exchange program (first time in 2008, between India and China) which the bank launched recently. Through this approach, Standard Chartered Bank has been able to, Align teams with business vision and objectives Build staff engagement and commitment Create opportunities for open and courageous conversations Clarify dependencies Accelerate high performance by leveragin g strengths Team Roles A team role is, a pattern of behaviour, characteristic of the way in which one team member interacts with another whose performance serves to facilitate the progress of the team as a whole. (Laurie J. Mullins 2007, p.332) As Belbin has stated, even though there are nine team roles, it is rare to find members who are strong in all nine team roles. Standard Chartered Bank too has recognized this and in order to build up teams who are skilled in multiple ways the bank follows job rotation programs and also as it was mentioned above employee exchange programs. Through the employee exchange program or rather the talent exchange program the bank expects to forge stronger working relationships and cultural understanding between the two strategically important markets All our development is based on the philosophy of being a strengths-based organisation. We encourage individuals, managers and teams to identify and focus on their distinctive talents, and constantly challenge them to a chieve more with them. We recognise that individual strengths are unique, and that each employee will deliver in a role in a different way. (Standard Chartered Bank, 2009) As it is quoted above, the bank encourages recognition of individual strengths through which the bank expects to achieve greater strengths. Through the interaction of individuals of such nature the bank expects to develop a highly talented work force through team work. Even though an individual member may not be highly talented he will be motivated to achieve and develop new strengths when he would be allowed to interact with people talented in multiple fields. Therefore, it could be understood that team roles play a vital part in the development process of the bank. Stages of Team Building Given below are the stages of team building or team development, Forming formalities are preserved and members are treated as strangers (polite but untrusting). Storming members start to communicate their feelings but probably still view themselves as part of their parent department rather than part of the team. They attack others insular attitudes while guarding their own (testing others). Norming people feel part of the team and realise that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints (valuing other types). Performing the team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where flexibility is the key and hierarchy is of little importance (flexibility from trust). (Carter McNamara, 1999) The above four stages of team building or development are very evident at Standard Chartered Bank. The initial two stages would be very clearly seen at the beginning when an employee would be newly selected and/or when they switch branches (consider the employee talent e xchange program for example). However, as time passes by (a period of three months for the employee talent exchange program) employees would learn about each other, would value each other especially their culture and would be able to perform with flexibility which would build up from trust. An example for the last stages of the team building process would be when top executives frequently fill in for one another, whether leading regional celebrations, representing Standard Chartered Bank at key external events, or initiating internal dialogues with employees. They make their collaborative behaviour visible through extensive travel and photos of leaders from varied sites working together. Beyond the above mentioned four team development stages, there is one additional step which is known as adjourning. This would mean disbanding of the group due to completion of a task, members leaving the organization or moving on to other tasks. Team Cohesiveness It is one of the main responsibilities of a leader to ensure that the members of his work group cooperate so that the work group would be able to achieve the expected results. It is clear that cooperation among members of work groups is likely to be greater in a cohesive group resulting in beneficial effects for the organization. There are many factors which affect group cohesiveness. These factors could be categorized under four major headings as shown in the diagram below. Figure (Factors Contributing to Group Cohesiveness Performance) (Laurie J. Mullins 2007, p.307) Even though it is stated that there are disadvantages of cohesive groups such disadvantages have been minimized at Standard Chartered Bank through the unique culture which has been bread. The disadvantages of cohesive groups have been overwritten by the advantages of cohesive groups at Standard Chartered Bank resulting in an overall positive outcome. These groups have helped the bank through increased inter action between members of diverse cultures and ethnicities, growth of skills and knowledge of members through mutual help, lower turnover as the member feels that the organization has become a part of him, etc. Motivational Tools and Techniques Standard Chartered Bank follows a range of methods to encourage or motivate their employees. Motivation at Standard Chartered Bank takes place through, Learning and Development: Learning and Development process at Standard Chartered Bank starts once an employee joins the bank and this will continue till the employee resigns the organization. Standard Chartered Bank uses advance new technology to make this process an interesting one and gives encouragement for members to participate. Examples for Learning and Development at Standard Chartered Bank: Right Start, Job rotation, Talent Exchange, Core Leadership Development, 360 feedbacks etc. Employee Relations: Standard Chartered Bank follows an approach where it would deal with employees on an individual basis rather than a collective basis. This approach focuses on direct communication, managing organisational change and involving and motivating employees. Reward and Recognition: There are two elements to remuneration within Standard Chartered Bank; an annual salary and a performance based element. At Standard Chartered Bank performance would not mean just achieving goals instead it means how employees demonstrate the banks unique culture and values in their working lives. Employees would receive individual ratings but those with lowest values of ratings will not receive any performance related bonus even if they have achieved their final targets. Great Working Environment Other Facilities: Standard Chartered Bank has an environment which could be stated as one of the best environments to work at. The structures have been constructed according to expected standards and latest technology has been used where possible. Further, the bank provides other facilities, such as the day care centre where various forms of education would be given for the children of the employees, freeing the employees from the burden of worrying about their children during working hours. Impact of Technology on Team Building It is clear that technological changes have enabled Standard Chartered Bank to achieve new heights in many fields. When considering team building, as it was mentioned above in the previous section, Standard Chartered Bank uses technology right from the beginning of an employees career. Right Start is the new induction process which the bank uses for new employees. It is clear, that even this simple step will help the organization to develop better teams within shorter time periods resulting in more effective outcome. Hence, it is understood that technology has a massive impact on team building process. Our induction process for new employees was enhanced during the year with the launch of a new online virtual world. The Right Start Learning Journey offers access to critical information about our history, core businesses and supporting functions, sustainability agenda and much more in a fun and interactive way. New employees can visit the site, which was created by our Learning a nd Development Team, as often as they like while a discussion forum allows them to communicate with other new recruits. (Standard Chartered Bank, 2009) It should further be understood, that this same process of new employees getting to know other employees and building up successful teams would have been a very slow process causing possible inefficiencies for the organization in indirect ways. Even though technology has had its positive impact on the team building process it could be said that there are drawbacks if excessive technology is used as it may decrease person to person interactions resulting in lower awareness or understanding regarding one another. However, this situation is not yet seen at Standard Chartered Bank as the bank arranges certain social events where employees can get to know each other better, independent of their position at the bank. Conclusion Due to the strong cultural effect persisting within Sri Lanka, employees would naturally require high levels of supervision, command and control resulting in the usage of leadership styles such as authoritarian or autocratic leadership and extreme motivational theories such as McGregors XY Theory (Theory X assumptions), neither of which could not be considered as the best choice. To overcome this situation, changes to the culture within the organization could be done through an eventual process and in such a manner that employees would not feel threatened. Further, it could be understood that an effective leader could bring about the desired change even in such a culture. Behind every successful organization there would always be a highly talented and committed work force as at Standard Chartered Bank. Based on the information which was stated in the body of the report, it was possible to arrive at the conclusion that due to the unique culture which has been brought up at Standa rd Chartered Bank where technology and many other elements have played an important role, every employee would have an opportunity to either be an excellent team player or to be an excellent leader. To further improve, the bank can integrate more team based discussions and such activities where technology could be used in a balanced manner.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Optimized Dynamic Latent Topic Model For Big Text Data...

JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Optimized Dynamic Latent Topic Model for Big Text Data Analytics NAME: Geoffrey Mariga Wambugu REGISTRATION NUMBER: CS481-4692/2014 LECTURER: Prof. Waweru Mwangi A thesis proposal submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Unit SCI 4201 Advanced Research Methodology of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology at the School of Computing and Information Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology June 2015 Abstract Probabilistic topic modeling provides computational methods for large text data analysis. Today streaming text mining plays an important role within real-time social media mining. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model was developed a decade ago to aid discovery of the hidden thematic structure in large archives of documents. It is acknowledged by many researchers as the most popular approach for building topic models. In this study, we discuss topic modeling and more specifically LDA. We identify speed as one of the major limitations of LDA application in streaming big text data analytics. The main aim of this study is to enhance inference speed of LDA thereby develop a new inference method and algorithm. Given the characteristics of this specific research problem, the approach to the proposed research will follow the experimental model. We will investigate causal relationships using a test

Marketing Paper Final Exam free essay sample

Final Paper Marketing encompasses the complex cycle of every stage of a product, from conception to the final sale and everything in between. Marketers are challenged with identifying the consumers needs/wants and managing the process to meet those needs. Every product a marketer develops goes through four stages in its life, The Product Life Cycle. Each stage of the product life cycle (Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline) have unique characteristics that a marketer faces as they create utility and try to maintain or grow their market share. Through each stage advertising is critical and marketers try to inform, persuade and remind consumers about their product. The difference is the approach and focus of the advertising. Every product that comes to market enters into the Introduction Stage. This is the stage where consumers are first introduced to the product. â€Å"During the introductory stage of the product life cycle, a firm works to stimulate demand for the new market entry. † (Boone Kurtz, 2006, p. 371) A marketer must connect with consumers to create a market for the new product. Every year hundreds of new products enter the introductory stage. Currently a product that is just beginning to take hold is high-definition televisions (HDTVs). HDTVs broadcast pictures with increased clarity and give the viewer (consumer) options on camera angles and additional information. Currently, â€Å"Yankee Group estimates that 15 percent of American households now own (a HDTV), with Forrester estimating 10 percent at most. † (Crawford, 2005) During the introductory stage, marketers are trying to introduce the product to consumers. One of the ways marketers succeed is in offering promotions or discounts to distributors to get the product in the marketplace. Most of the advertising focuses on informing the public about the new product. While information is key, advertisers also try to persuade consumers to purchase the product and often times remind consumers where they can find the product. The Introductory stage is where all products start. It is in this early stage that products are refined based on consumer and distribution feedback. Often times the numbers of marketers are minimal in the introductory stage as the market is being developed. As a product finds its market and begins to gain acceptance, it moves into the Growth Stage of the product life cycle. The growth stage is where a product sees its sales volumes increase dramatically. At this stage in the product’s life, â€Å"new customers make initial purchases and early buyers repurchase. † (Boone Kurtz, 2006, p. 372) Early marketers find increased competition as their competitors enter the product space to share in the profits. Satellite television has entered into the growth market with the advent of the small dish. Early satellite television was mainly limited to rural areas that were inaccessible to cable television. The dishes were large and unattractive. As the technology has advances and the satellite dish has shrunk to less then twenty-four inches, consumers have rushed to the alternative to cable television. Satellite television marketers are continuing to refine their product in this growth stage. Recently, the top two providers of satellite television signed deals to provide affordable high-speed internet service. â€Å"For satellite-TV providers, the service is another way to offer a full line of products. † (AP, 2006) The growth stage is where marketers move from a heavy focus on information in advertising to a more persuasive approach. The persuasive approach allows the marketers to differentiate from competitors and encourage individuals to not be left behind. If the product space attracts multiple marketers, pricing, features and other differentiators are used in the advertising to help marketers gain or maintain market share. The Growth Stage of the product life cycle is complex and changing. Marketers rely on word-of-mouth, mass advertising and falling prices to sustain the momentum and interest in the product. The goal of the growth stage is to get reluctant buyers to buy and current customers to repurchase. As a product matures and growth stabilizes, the product moves in the Maturity Stage. Sales start to plateau and supply exceeds demand for the first time in the products life cycle. Competing marketers have flooded the field and profits begin to become depressed. All of these factors create pressure on marketers to continue their brands sustainability. Carbonated soft drinks are a very mature product. According to the American Beverage Association (ABA) the beginnings of the modern soda started in the 1830’s. (ABA, 2006) The ABA estimates that there are over 450 brands in the product space. The number of brands creates fierce competition for American’s 65 billion in annual purchases. Adverting in the mature stage of a product’s life is all about increasing purchases, differentiating your brand and finding new uses or markets for the product. In the soft drink space marketers try celebrity endorsements and product differentiation. 7-UP is â€Å"the un-cola†, trying to draw its distinction among more popular cola brands. Whatever approach the marketer takes in advertising, the goal is to extend the maturity stage and maintain profits for as long as possible. A product in the mature stage of the product life cycle does not indicate imminent demise. As illustrated above, soft drinks continue to command consumer’s dollars. Marketers will often look to new markets and changes in the product to extend the life of the product. One of the largest struggles for mature products is maintaining profits as competition drives down prices. As the product leaves maturity it enters the Decline Stage in the Product life cycle. A products decline is most often linked to new technologies. Marketers focus on reminding the remaining customers in the market that they are there for the consumer’s needs. Sales decline, profits decline and the product space eventually looses money. VCRs are a product on the decline in the United States. With the advance of DVDs and the reduction in price of DVRs, VCRs are loosing shelf space and market share. Marketers often times search for new markets as products decline in their existing markets. So while the United States and Europe may transition to a new technology, emerging economies may embrace the â€Å"older† and cheaper technology, thus extending the products life. Advertising a product in the stage of decline focuses on reminding the remaining consumer base the product still exists.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Personal College Application Essay Examples

Personal College Application Essay ExamplesPersonal college application essays, as you've most likely already figured out, are the single most important part of the admissions process. These are the essays that every admissions officer is looking for. This article discusses the types of essay examples that are generally used in college applications.Essay samples are typically written by a professional writer. These writers often work for law firms or for some other type of company that's looking to hire an employee with a good education. These types of employees also have been through some degree program and have a very impressive academic background. These writers will write these types of essays for hire but are also often contracted by individual schools.In order to be successful at these types of essays, it's important to realize that the type of language and content of an essay are different from those on traditional college applications. In fact, some students have found it ext remely helpful to submit their essays to a lawyer or someone who knows how to read and analyze English composition so they can guide them towards the best essay possible. In this article we'll look at some of the different types of essay examples that are available.One of the first types of essay examples to consider is a historical essay, which basically involves researching and writing about a historical event or topic. Students will be required to write about how they learned about the event and their personal relationship with it. This type of essay has a very strong focus on the author. The author's purpose for writing is to 'educate' the reader about a particular event or topic.The next type of essay example to consider is a personal essay. A personal essay is an attempt to provide insight into a person's character and thinking processes. The essay might also have a secondary objective of providing a philosophical or social point. Personal essays are designed to attract attent ion by being dramatic and exciting.College application essays are also a form of an essay. This kind of essay is meant to capture the interest of the reader by the way the content of the piece is written. Since these essays are the single most important part of the admissions process, it's important to ensure that the writer has good writing skills. One of the main ways to do this is to try to create a story using an argument.These are all examples of what is known as a writing style, but some students prefer to use even more examples to help them get started in creating personal essay examples. These examples could include hiring professionals to help write personal essays, reviewing examples of successful personal essays written by professionals, or taking advantage of articles about personal essays. Some students are willing to take any sort of writing material to use as a source, and some of them even are willing to write it entirely by themselves. In this case, it's important t o seek help in developing the style of the essay.Even if a student writes all of their own personal essay, they still need to be aware of the fact that there are certain types of essay examples to look for. It's not necessary for a student to write a story based on a particular event, but it is important to realize that writing an essay is very different from other forms of writing. Students must know that there are different kinds of topics to write about. This allows them to get creative in the ways they create their essay.